Mechanisms of furniture transformation are used for lifting a sleeping place, transforming the sofa or lifting the bed.

Often when choosing a sofa buyers prefer the design, color, quality of upholstery and other details of the "exterior", forgetting that one of the main criteria when choosing a model folding sofa should be a convenient and reliable transformation mechanism. It is the transformation mechanism of sofa often determines the life of whole set of upholstered furniture, which in addition to the sofa. The life of the folding mechanism depends on the reliability and simplicity of the design, materials used in the production of the mechanism, and compliance with the rules of operation.

Our company is an official trader of the transformation mechanisms produced by PJSC "PROGRESS". The following are the main ones:

The mechanism of "Blues"

  • the ability to adjust the effort by installing additional springs;
  • levers made of 4 mm. steel;
  • limiters of extreme folding positions.

The mechanism of  "Tango"

  • levers made of 4 mm steel;
  • limiters of extreme folding positions.

The mechanism of  "Dolphin"

  • levers made of 4 mm steel;
  • rubber wheels.

The mechanism of "Paris"

  • limiters of extreme folding positions;
  • double "back" roller;
  • levers are made of 4 mm steel.

The mechanism of  "Orpheus"

  • limiters of extreme folding positions.

The mechanism of "Fortune"

  • all power elements have stiffeners;
  • the levers are made of 4 mm steel.